A large number of projects are now going for VRV/VRF systems over traditional chilled/hot water systems.
This now means refrigerant gas is travelling directly to the rooms. If the room is small and the condenser is large a significant dump of refrigerant gas could take place if there is a leak in the system.
Traditionally, low cost semi-conductor based sensors are used for refrigerant leak detection applications. While these are okay in plant room type installations, in indoor spaces these are a very big NO NO.
Constant false alarms from various gases are always a risk in indoor spaces. Smells from strong perfumes, spray & wipe cleaners, aerosols, VOCs from the fresh paint & furniture can all cause false alarms. This is the reason semi-conductor sensors are to be avoided at all costs.
We were recently contacted by a large hotel which was just about to open. They had hired models to conduct some promo shoots. They were given rooms to get ready in. One of them sprayed hair spray and this resulted in the whole refrigerant gas detection system alarming!
This monitoring system was then quickly turned off, permanently!
We can offer dual beam infra-red sensors for these indoor applications.
Our range of NDIR sensors also offer local on the spot calibration so there is no need to send the sensors back to the manufacturer for calibration, like the other brands. If you remove the sensor from site you should ideally replace it with another sensor, this adds costs very quickly!
Please contact us so we can guide you on the right product to use for your application, sales@gasalarm.com.au or 02 9838 7220.