Confined Space Gas Detection ensures a safe entry to worksite. Confined work space is a part of almost every process industry – be it a chemical plant, paper mill, refinery or underground mine. In the confined work spaces, the air may be contaminated with toxic or combustible gases or it may contain Oxygen deficiency. Confined space workers are at risk if they are exposed to such environment. To protect the workers, it is mandatory to identify hazards in confined spaces and test the air prior to entry and during entry for any harmful gas concentration.
Due to lack of appropriate safety measures (including confined space gas detection), reality is many confined space workers are still seriously getting injured or dying. Apart from having an appropriate measure for ventilation and having the proper safety equipment for entry , it is quite essential to know the gas hazards and its concentration to ensure safe and healthy work site.
Gas Alarm Systems has been in operation since 2003 and over the years with its persistent dedicated efforts has now has earned a reputation in providing exclusive application oriented systems for gas detection monitoring. We can supply a complete gas detection system that provides dependable detection of toxic, combustible and flammable atmospheres. Safe entry to confined space can also be accomplished by using gas detector tubes . Gas detector tubes provides the largest selection of different measuring ranges and provides on-spot and accurate measurement of hazardous gases present in the confined space.
For further information, please contact us.