Avada Car Dealer News

Hazardous locations are areas where flammable liquids, gases or vapors or combustible dusts exist in sufficient quantities to produce an explosion or fire. Hazardous area are classified in different Zones. Zone 1 is an environment in which there is an intermittent chance that combustible gas will be present under normal operating conditions and Zone 2 is where the presence of dangerous levels of combustible gas only occurs under abnormal operating conditions. At GasAlarm, we offer various solutions for hazardous area gas detection for Zone 1 and Zone 2 applications.


Our this month’s newsletter highlights the sensors from PolyXeta II series. The IECEx and SIL2 approved PolyXeta II sensors offers increased optimization and operational safety for your plant. The newsletter also includes customer feedback survey to voice your opinion. Filling up the survey gives you a chance to win a $100 Reward card!! For further detailed information, please click on the link below to download the complete newsletter.


Gas Alarm System Newsletter – April Edition


If you just wish to participate in our survey, Click on the link as below:


Customer Feedback Survey 2017


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