Personnel in waste management and environment are exposed to risks due to toxic gases. Let’s take a look at how monitoring H2S in waste water treatment can help.
Sewage generated by commercial or industrial waste contains chemicals, metals, fats or detergents that may increase the risk of environmental damage and the cost of sewage treatment. The process of treating this wastewater creates many toxic and combustible gases.
Also, in wastewater treatment plant there are many enclosed spaces such as pipe lines and any damage or leaks may result in toxic gas build up in the environment.
One of the highly toxic gas encountered during waste water treatment is Hydrogen Suplhide. Hydrogen Sulphide ia a toxic gas with a very distinct odor even at very low concentrations. An increase in atmospheric hydrogen sulfide can lead to eye irritation, nausea and shortness of breath. If concentrations continue to increase it can eventually damage the nervous system and result in death.
Growing environmental concerns and to ensure the safety of the plant and personnel monitoring of waste water treatment is of crucial importance.
At GasAlarm systems, we can provide you a suitable detector for monitoring H2S in the water treatment plant. Please refer to the link below that has all the possible solutions we can offer for monitoring H2S:
International Energy efficiency scorecard 2016 has just been released by the American Council of Energy Efficiency and Australia is long way behind other industrialized countries.
The environmental impacts of waste managements should be given a serious thought. At GasAlarm systems we can offer you various other solutions to build a sustainable business by reducing and treating waste and reducing costs. Please contact us at for further information