Phosphine fumigation monitor plays a vital role in fumigation process. Phosphine is a safe and effective method of controlling pests in a stored grain ONLY when used correctly. Phosphine otherwise can be dangerous. It poses a serious health and safety risk if phosphine reaches a dangerous level.Every workplace where phosphine is used for fumigation must be committed in providing a safe working place for its employees by alerting them when phosphine reaches a dangerous level.
Our UNIPHOS™ 350M Phosphine Alert – phosphine fumigation monitor is a microprocessor based hand held instrument developed for the purpose of detection & monitoring of the target gas concentration on the hazardous locations. It employs gas sensor & advance electronic circuits. Gas sensor, when exposed to the target gas, produces current signal proportional to the gas concentration. This current signal is amplified by the electronic circuits, then digitized and shown on the alphanumeric LCD panel by the microprocessor.
With a measuring range from 0-20 ppm and resolution of 0.01 ppm, this phosphine fumigation monitor is capable of storing up to 3000 test result on board memory with date and time.
For further information, please download our datasheet.